Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A Final Reflection

Throughout this course I have learned much about what Education is and I have also developed my ideas on what I believe Education should be. I have learned all of the ways that there are to teach a student which is helpful in the regard that each student learns differently. This class has been incredibly informative and eye opening into not only the how our state’s curriculum functions but also to the overall state of education of our country. I believe that education is very much like building a house because as Elementary school teachers, we are providing these children with the foundation that they need to build their educational future on. Without us at the helm, guiding them towards the goals that they need to meet before their time with us ends, we are insuring that they will have success in their futures.

The second half of this course, which was the observational component, was far more beneficial to my learning than I thought it would be. It allowed me the opportunity to go and physically see just how a classroom works. I will admit that I was timid when I first thought about having to go and observe these children but after the first time, it was clear that this was where I was meant to be. It was easy to interact with the children and it was an experience that I wouldn’t trade for anything in the world.

I will take many things from this course, but the most important one is the security and peace of mind in knowing that I am on the right career track. It was great getting to know you all through these blogs and through discussions and I wish you all the best of luck with your futures.

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