Tuesday, October 16, 2012

What is Multicultural Education and how can teachers create culturally relevant classrooms?

Our book says that multicultural education relates to education and instruction, which is designed to cater to the different races that exist in each school system. Multicultural education is meant to foster respect for other cultures that vary across the schools. Multicultural education is beneficial to all students because it actively challenges social inequalities that many people experience every day. Without such education our school systems could fall prey to racism, sexism, and things that make going to a day of school a horrible experience for a student.

In order to provide a multicultural educational experience for the students there are a few things that you as a teacher can do. One example that I read about was being able to promote multiculturalism through literature. For instance as a teacher you can bring in different stories to read about different cultural backgrounds for the children. Not only do they see pictures but this way they are also learning about the different cultures which will draw them in and teach them how each one functions separately and together in this world.

Another way in which a teacher can promote a multicultural classroom is through the use of a “Cultural Day” in which each child brings in something that represents their culture such as a picture or perhaps a flag from the country that their family is from. I believe that this day will open the students up to learning all about other cultures and will aid them in their social expansion. It is important for students to learn at a young age that all cultures are vital to our world so that they do not grow up discriminating against one particular group.

I personally believe that incorporating multicultural education into the lives of future citizens of the world is incredibly important. We as teachers have a responsibility to make sure that these children grow up to believe that everyone is equal and should be treated as such. It is vital that we as a nation do not repeat the history of our past with segregation and things that harmed people. So in all as teachers we must always remember that this is an important part of our teaching because we are helping to shape the future leaders of our world.


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