This week as we were asked to pick one theorist to research
and write about their theory of education, I chose to research and write about
Doctor Maria Montessori and her theory of education. I chose Dr. Montessori to
research first because it is a method of teaching that I had heard of but never
truly understood what it was or how it was taught. I also chose to research
Montessori because it was the name that stood out to me and one I have heard
many times before. So with that in mind, I set out to learn more about the
Montessori method of teaching and what it entails.

The Montessori model of learning varies now but they focus
mainly on these four points:
Mixed age classrooms with children aged 3-9
Student choice of activity from a range of
options prepared according to the method.
Uninterrupted blocks of work time
Time for discovery where the children work with
materials rather than with direct instruction.
Montessori believed that with this method, the children
would be best developed and that they would also develop the independence
necessary to make them functioning humans in society. It is in my opinion that
this method of teaching might only benefit children that learn best by seeing
the material before them. I do not believe that this method of instruction is
the most beneficial to students because not everyone is able to learn without
direct instruction and the aid of a teacher.